Critics Are Praising 'Spider-Man: Far From Home'
Along with Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland’s performances.

Early reviews from critics have started rolling in stating Spider-Man: Far From Home is “perfect,” “funny” and “shocking.”
The latest Marvel film was screened for U.S. movie critics and journalist last night and of course their reactions have already found themselves on the web, citing the Spider-Man sequel as yet another hit for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is sure to calm down some fans who are worried Far From Home won’t be able to live up to Avengers: Endgame. And on a larger note, not be able to adequately close out Marvel’s Phase 3.
Critics have shared the film pushes Peter Parker’s journey towards adulthood while sprinkling in a few surprises along the way. Along with that, the film’s action sequences, comedic writing, and Jake Gyllenhaal‘s addition as Mysterio to the MCU have also been praised.
Spider-Man: Far From Home lands in theaters July 2 and arrives a few days earlier in China on June 28. The sequel is expected to bring in over $117 million USD on its opening weekend alone. Homecoming banked a solid $880 million USD worldwide before leaving theaters.
Far From Home follows the events of Avengers: Endgame as Peter struggles with the loss of his mentor, Tony Stark. The film will also set up Marvel’s highly-anticipated Phase 4 and contain two-post credit scenes. Check out some critic reactions below.
Ok friends. #SpiderManFarFromHome is jaw dropping. First half is a lot of fun, coasting on the good vibes of the HOMECOMING cast. But that second half is EXTRAORDINARY, delivering the BEST Spidey action ever. Most SHOCKING ending in a Spider-Man movie ever. Fans will flip out!
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) June 19, 2019
I know you hear this all the time, but I'm telling you avoid spoilers on #SpiderManFarFromHome. You will enjoy the film so much more…
And like all @MarvelStudios movies…you should stay in your seat till the very end.— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) June 19, 2019
#SpiderManFarFromHome is a fun ride. Especially the second half, which I definitely can't say anything about. And especially especially the end credit tags, which I definitely definitely can't say anything about.
— Kevin Polowy (@djkevlar) June 19, 2019
Spider-Man: Far From Home made me smile from start to finish. Its got huge reveals and exciting set pieces but the way it builds off Endgame to to dive deeper into Peter’s emotions is really what make it soar. Mysterio also rules. I can’t wait to see it again.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) June 19, 2019
#SpiderMan #FarFromHome is an absolute home run. It’s SO much fun. It’s huge in itself and for the future of the MCU in the most surprising ways. Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, just a lethal, awesome combo!!
I cannot wait to see this movie again. And again.— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) June 19, 2019
#SpiderManFarFromHome! What a fun, solid sequel. Tom Holland so incredibly charming, will watch him in any/all things. Jake Gyllenhaal gets way more to do than expected, clearly had a ball doing it. Also still loving Zendaya's MJ.
— Kara Warner (@karawarner) June 19, 2019
#SpiderManFarFromHome is funny, exciting, romantic, goofy & follows HOMECOMING in being this brilliant ground-level look at Spidey's world & how the events of #AvengersEndgame impacted everyday life. Lots of twists & turns, plus some adorable summer romances, too. I'm a big fan
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) June 19, 2019
#SpiderManFarFromHome: far superior to its predecessor & really delightful, w/a terrific theme of trust well-threaded throughout. Could say more, but it's spoiler-laden, full of fun secrets, so be careful who you follow and what they say. Jake G is great #SpiderMan #FarFromHome
— Rodrigo Perez 📽🎞📺 (@YrOnlyHope) June 19, 2019
Spider-Man embargo up?? Wildest post-credits scenes in a MCU movie in maybe 5 years. And Jake G is the unmitigated GOAT
— Frazier Tharpe (@The_SummerMan) June 19, 2019
A reaction tweet: #SpiderManFarFromHome is wonderful. It’s funny and clever and filled with smart twists. (It also made me have incredibly visceral memories of class trips of yore.) I didn’t leave the theater sad! I am not worried about superheroes’ emotional states! Zendaya!!
— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) June 19, 2019
#SpiderManFarFromHome is the coda we needed after Endgame, a glimpse of how the world looks now that the dust has settled. Could maybe have gone a bit harder on P's emotional arc, but bursting with warmth and humor and awkward teen romance. 💕 Also: Jake G = perfect casting.
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) June 19, 2019
Absolutely loved SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME. I’m a huge Mysterio fan and Gyllenhaal nails him. Also the movie is very clever (and funny) how it handles the fallout post ENDGAME in explaining how this world works now.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) June 19, 2019
I really liked Spider-Man: Far From Home for reasons you can read in my review next week but I'm convinced that Tom Holland's Spider-Man can carry the MCU post-Downey and Evans. Whomever hired him and @jnwtts should get a nice raise!
— Edward Douglas (@EDouglasWW) June 19, 2019
Didn’t LOVE #SpiderManFarFromHome as much as Homecoming but it’s still a rad take on bearing the weight of great expectations and a fun ode to teen romance. Tom Holland continues to be amazing, Zendaya’s MJ is just as cool as Shuri and Jake G’s an inspired choice for Mysterio.
— Brian Truitt (@briantruitt) June 19, 2019
absolutely loved #SpiderManFarFromHome. Captures the spirit of the comics and mixes in some amazing movie magic. The second the film ended I wanted to watch it again. #JakeGyllenhaal is fantastic as Mysterio.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) June 19, 2019
Spider-Man: Far from Home is an extremely fun, cleverly executed, and frequently hilarious culmination of the MCU’s wall-crawler’s journey so far. Some very sweet moments, sly commentary and deft action set-pieces throughout #SpiderManFarFromHome
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) June 19, 2019
FAR FROM HOME has dethroned Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 & is now favorite Spider-Man film.
What’s insane is that I can’t even tell u why I’m so in love with this film because it would be a spoiler.
Gyllenhaal is incredible. Holland re-confirms as the best Spidey to date. Amazing.— Kevin McCarthy (@KevinMcCarthyTV) June 19, 2019
#Spiderman #FarFromHome is SUCH a good movie! Jake Gyllenhaal suits up & completely embraces his role in its entirety & he’s clearly having a blast. This is such a refreshing film after the heaviness of #EndGame. The post-credit scenes are a MUST WATCH & will blow your dang mind!
— Maude Garrett (@maudegarrett) June 19, 2019