New Balance Numeric's New "Parallax" Skate Video Stars Brandon Westgate & Others
Including Flo Mirtain, Levi Brown, Franky Villani and Karl Salah.
New Balance has released another New Balance Numeric skate video.
Known as “Parallax,” New Balance Numeric’s latest showcase joins its talented team of skaters as they flex their skills across Italian and German streets. Specifically, professional skaters Flo Mirtain, Brandon Westgate, Franky Villani, Jordan Taylor, Karl Salah, Levi Brown, Jake Hayes, Tyler Surrey, and Nisse Ingemarsson all star in the visual; Brindle Collective’s James Messina and Russell Houghten served as the piece’s filming duo and editors. For the soundtrack, Brindle Collective and New Balance looked to A Cosmic Gift’s record “Looking Back.”
You can check out New Balance Numeric’s new “Parallax” presentation above. Back in August, New Balance once again enlisted the talents of Flo Mirtain, Brandon Westgate and Franky Villani for the “Tricolor” video.