New Balance Numeric Enlists a Team of Skating All-Stars for “Tricolor” Video
Introducing the very talented Brandon Westgate.
New Balance‘s very own skate squad shines and showcases some serious talent for a new skating video. Produced for the New Balance Numeric sporting campaign, the new “Tricolor” visual features appearances and main parts from PJ Ladd, Flo Mirtain and Franky Villani. Along with the aforementioned trio of skate-stars, NBN’s new drop also serves as a way to properly introduce viewers to the eye-catching abilities of the very gifted Brandon Westgate. With over 20 minutes of new footage, NBN’s latest offering should give fans plenty of tricks and flips to keep them content and rewinding.
You can view New Balance Numeric’s new “Tricolor” skate video above, and check out a select shot from the piece’s filming below. Besides the previously-mentioned skateboard kings, Arto Saari, Jake Hayes, Tyler Surrey, Tom Knox, Jack Curtin, Marquise Henry, Jordan Trahan and others also show up in this packed release.
Back in April, we shined the spotlight on the New Balance Numeric skate crew — and a few other skilled groups — for our own breakdown of the professional skating environment in Bangkok. Towards the beginning of this year, New Balance Numeric unveiled the 345 via another impressive skating vignette.