Lift Is the First Levitating Smartwatch Charger
Wingardium Leviosa.
We’ve already told you that levitating phone chargers were a trend to look out for and now Levitation Works have introduced Lift, the only smartwatch charger that floats while charging your device. The device’s revolutionary induction system is inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla’s ideas of transferring electricity through the ether in order to do away with cumbersome wires; the base can also provide your phone with an emergency charge, if need be.
The design of the charger itself was inspired by Apple, Porsche and other minimalist bastions, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing object that doubles as a lamp when its not in use. Lift is compatible with all current iterations of the Apple Watch and the last two generations of Pebble devices.
You can pledge to Lift’s Kickstarter here, but don’t worry: it’s already exceeded its goal with 40+ days to spare, as of this article’s writing.