Take a First Glance at IKEA's New Museum in Southern Sweden
Located in the very first IKEA store.

The IKEA Museum — located in its first store at Älmhult, Sweden — will display a slew of relics from the Swedish furniture giant’s 73-year existence. The company known for its modestly priced Scandinavian furnishings created the museum to help bolster tourism in the Älmhult region. The museum contains many familiar home goods including the Klippan sofa and the Billy bookshelf, which are apparently the most-produced items ever sold by the retailer. There are also a series of meticulously curated installations spotlighting its earliest products and stories from devoted IKEA customers — the beloved meatball even gets its own exposition.
The IKEA Museum will open on June 30 while more information about its exhibits can be found on its official website.