Nintendo's New 'Paper Mario: The Origami King' Trailer Shows off Gameplay Mechanics
Reacquainting fans on old mechanics along with some newly introduced ones.
Nintendo released a gameplay trailer for its recently announced and soon to be released title for the Nintendo Switch, Paper Mario: The Origami King. The footage above gives insight on the RPGs game mechanics as well as the new characters that will be accompanying Mario on his quest, such as Bobby the amnesiac Bob-omb and Professor Toad.
Characters will serve as in-game companions alongside Olivia, the sister of the game’s antagonist King Olly. The video features an extended look at the combat, which is similar to previous Paper Mario games. Likewise, puzzle-solving will similarly use Mario’s paper body to open paths and explore the land further.
Battles are turn-based, with a timing mechanic that allows attack to strike multiple foes, like Mario’s signature head-stomping. This time, however, enemies appear in a small set of rings that can be arranged by the player before a battle begins. This allows for a strategic placement of foes as strategy to attack more than one enemy. Boss battles with the “Legion of Stationary” will also use the ring system, with Mario navigating around the ring to make get closer for stronger attacks. Lastly, the trailer features some mini-games and activities players can complete while exploring the paper kingdom.
Although Paper Mario: The Origami King was recently announced in May, the title is expected to arrive in July. Nintendo has yet to announce an online broadcast that will coincide with fellow developer and publisher’s streams due to a lack of an E3 event this year.
Grab Paper Mario: The Origami King July 17.
In other gaming news, check out PlayStation’s PS5 livestream from yesterday.