Sony Files Patent for Sensory PS5 Controllers That Gauge "Biofeedback"
Measuring sweat and heart rate.

Ahead of PlayStation 5‘s much-anticipated release, Sony has been revealing a wide array of key features that the upcoming gaming system will include, like high-speed SSD, 3D audio, ultra HD Blu-ray and hardware-based ray tracing that were unveiled at the CES 2020 presentation last month. To keep fans on their toes, the Japanese gaming company has hinted on another possible feature: Sony has filed a patent for an accessory that would gauge a player’s physiological responses, like sweat and heart rate, called “biofeedback,” aimed to make one’s gaming experience more immersive.
The accessory would attach to the back of a PS5 controller, collecting a player’s sensory responses during the game. The biofeedback would allow the game to help tweak things like difficulty levels. According to sources, the application for the patent was filed early last month. “There is a desire in computer gaming to provide an immersive and highly interactive experience for players, so as to enhance the enjoyment of the player,” notes Sony in a statement. “This has become of particular interest with the increasing availability of head-mountable displays (HMDs), which are provided with the intention of fully immersing a player in the in-game environment.” The final half of the description likely refers to VR headsets, which could be an indication that the biofeedback accessory may be geared specifically for VR games.
Though no exact dates have yet to be confirmed, PS5 is slated to release before Holiday 2020, which will likely be sometime between October and December.
In other gaming news, Microsoft has revealed more details about Xbox Series X’s specs.
According to a new Sony patent, DualShock 5 might be able to use biofeedback, meaning a way to measure your heart-rate and even sweat secretion
— Nibel (@Nibellion) February 24, 2020