'Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot' Opening Cinematic Shows Action-Packed Goku and Vegeta Transformations
A nostalgic reimagining of the original anime opening.
Bandai Namco released the nostalgic opening cinematics for its upcoming title Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, showcasing key scenes from the original opening sequence from the anime, including the Japanese theme song “Cha-La Head Cha-La.”
The cinematics begins with a shot-for-shot adaptation of the original anime opening before showcasing some new events inspired by the game’s story mode. We get to see signature moments, like Goku stuffing his face with food, Vegeta transforming into his evil Majin Vegeta form, and even Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 as he’s fighting Kid Buu. Similar to the trailer, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot chronologically spans the entire length from Dragon Ball Z, starting with the meeting of Raditz to the final battle with Kid Buu.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an open-world RPG that will allow players to reenact key moments from the anime, as well as filler moments, several side quests, and fun activities that will bring the universe of Goku and his friends to life.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot releases on January 17 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
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