PlayStation 5 Has Sold 3-Times the Number of Xbox Series S and X
The console is also expected to outsell the PS4.

The widespread fanfare of Sony’s PlayStation 5 hasn’t died down, even over three years since it hit the market.
The console has reportedly sold 50 million units globally since its 2020 launch, a senior executive said, according to Reuters. Sony also reported its most successful Black Friday sales in history and is on track to sell 25 million units by the time the current financial year wraps on March 21.
While Sony had initially described that target as “not within easy reach,” Senior Vice President for Global Marketing Eric Lempel was optimistic about the company’s goals. “Given the momentum we’ve had in November and a lot of what we’re seeing in December, just in general we’re feeling very good about sales overall,” Lempel said. He also said that the console is expected to outsell the PlayStation 4.
Comparably, Xbox sales have dwindled as more gamers appear to be gravitating to PlayStation. IGN noted that while PS5 sales have jumped “65% to 22.5 million units” over the past year, Xbox sales have fallen “about 15% to 7.6 million.”
Nintendo Switch sales have also fallen nearly 20%. While the success of the PS5 isn’t exactly new, sales were somewhat curbed due to a sheer shortage of consoles around the world and seem to be catching up thanks to increased supply and the holiday season.