Pornhub and Asa Akira Highlight Famous Erotic Art In New "Classic Nudes" Museum Guide

MySweetApple brings the works to life in six NSFW videos.

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Pornhub‘s latest project involves getting art lovers out there to look for pornography outside of its website, and to appreciate the artistic side of nudity and intercourse.

Encouraging its visitors to venture out of and into famous museums — like The Louvre (France), The MET (New York City), The Prado (Spain), The Uffizi Gallery (Italy), and The National Gallery (U.K.) — the “Classic Nudes” project is putting on some of history’s most celebrated forms of erotic art.

With the increase in the lifting of pandemic restrictions, museums are now opening up to the public, and Pornhub is right there with them. Aside from the SFW introductory video featuring the Hungarian-Italian porn legend Cicciolina, Pornhub brand ambassador Asa Akira provides an oral history of 30 erotic art pieces. While a large component of the “Classic Nudes” is the virtual tour of each museum and where to find the pieces of work, Pornhub amateur couple MySweetApple also brings to life six iconic works — Jan Gossaert’s Adam and Eve, Edgar Degas’ Male Nude, Gustave Courbet’s The Origin of the World, Francisco de Goya’s The Naked Maja, Titian’s Venus of Urbino and François Boucher’s The Brunette Odalisque — via NSFW videos.

“There’s a treasure trove of erotic art around the world – depicting nudes, orgies, and more – that’s not available on Pornhub. These pre-Internet art pieces are currently sitting in museums, which we are now finally able to start visiting again as covid restrictions are starting to lift,” said Asa Akira, Pornhub Brand Ambassador. “So as people start to head back to The Louvre or The MET, they can simply open Classic Nudes, and I’ll be their guide. Time to ditch those boring self-tour recordings and enjoy every single brushstroke of these erotic masterpieces with me.”

Those interested in learning more about these Pornhub curated works of art can head over to the dedicated page, but it’s probably best to watch the video by MySweetApple in the privacy of your own home.

In other news, The Simpsons predicted Richard Branson’s space flight 13 years ago.

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