Modders Create 'Fall Guys' Versions of 'Skyrim' and 'Resident Evil 3'
Jill Valentine is now “Jilly-Bean.”
With the increasing popularity of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, it was only a matter of time before the modding community got their hands on the PC title. News has just surfaced from Nexusmods showing that the jellybean-like characters from the game have been adapted to two popular titles: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Resident Evil 3.
Presented by modders M150 and XxCRAZYPOTATOxX, both games see the colorful characters take on the leading roles as they are juxtaposed in the realistic games’ backdrops. The whimsical characters take the seriousness out of the game and add a playful appeal that is very “Fall Guys” — Jill Valentine has been cleverly renamed to Jilly-Bean.
Those interested in seeing the creative mods can watch the video above and below. To download the mod pack, head over to Nexusmods.
In other gaming news, Philadelphia 76ers player Ben Simmons joins FaZe Clan.