Jif Settles GIF Pronunciation Debate With Limited-Edition Peanut Butter Jar
Laying claim to the “soft g” sound.

In a surprising twist within the long-running debacle surrounding the accurate pronunciation of “GIF,” peanut butter super-brand Jif wants to tell the world that it’s brand is pronounced with a “soft g” as opposed to a “hard g.” To end the debate and further celebrate National Peanut Butter Lovers Day (March 1), Jif has teamed up with GIPHY to release a limited-edition jar of Jif peanut butter that replaces the brand’s name with “Gif.”
The tongue-in-cheek packaging contains a variety of references to the debate outside of the simple name change, with “animated looping images” placed where “creamy peanut butter” usually stands, with GIPHY’s logo placed below, and “soft g” and “hard g” pronunciation indicators replacing the typical “7g of protein” label listed on each of the new packages.
While the limited edition jars are currently sold out on both Jif.com and Amazon.com, various resellers have listed the jars (which retailed for $10 USD) for upwards of $65 USD on eBay.
For more food news, McDonald’s just unveiled a $100k USD Golden Shamrock Shake.