See What Will Smith Would've Looked Like as Neo in This Deepfake 'The Matrix' Video
What if Will said yes to The Wachowskis?
Once upon a time in Hollywood, The Wachowskis offered Will Smith Keanu Reeve‘s now-iconic role in the revolutionary film The Matrix. But as explained in the video below, Smith turned it down because the director pair’s pitch was less than informative and focused too heavily on how cool the slow-motion effects would look.
Now that deepfakes exist, YouTube user Sham00K took it upon himself to craftily edit Smith’s face over Keanu in a few key scenes of The Matrix. The only thing that makes the visuals off-putting, however, is that Smith still has Reeves’ hair, making him look weirder than him being in the actual role.
Check out the video above, then check out Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in the new trailer for Bad Boys For Life.