Mark Hamill Shouts-Out Kevin Conroy for Batman Day
The Batman and Joker voice actors celebrate 27 years.

Original Luke Skywalker actor and long-time Joker voice actor, Mark Hamill, has just taken to Twitter to shout out another OG in the animated Batman world — Kevin Conroy.
Having just celebrated the 27th anniversary of Batman: The Animated Series, Hamill took the time to pay homage to Kevin Conroy, aka the voice behind Batman from a plethora of Batman projects, just in time for the Dark Knight’s 80th anniversary. While the two are sworn enemies when it comes to the DC Universe, this tweet shows the respect and admiration the two have for one another when not in character.
Read below for Mark Hamill’s jovial tweet towards Kevin Conroy.
In other entertainment news, people actually showed up to Area 51.
It's #BatmanDay2019 🦇- Celebrating 80 years of everyone's favorite rodent-themed masked vigilante. For me, that means it's also @RealKevinConroy Day… my partner in crime, my one & only #CapedCrusader since 1992. #MadLove to you Batsy! #StillJokingAfterAllTheseYears🃏
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) September 21, 2019
In honor of Batman Day. Long live the Bat!
— Kevin Conroy (@RealKevinConroy) September 21, 2019
I went to Broadway in search of challenging character roles, only to find one of the most rewarding & enduring of them all- in this series. Without #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries, my career would have no punchline… 🦇#HappyAnniversaryBATSY Mad❤️from The🃏
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) September 5, 2019