Aaron De La Cruz Releases Geometric Print for Arkitip's 20-Year Anniversary
Search for the number “19992019.”

In the second half of 1999, the first edition of Arkitip was published, making this year Arkitip’s 20th anniversary and an occasion to celebrate.
The art zine tapped Aaron De La Cruz, an Arkitip alumni, to create an anniversary print that would depict the numbers 1999 and 2019 in a playful but meaningful way. The artist’s final design uses 20 shapes to make up the number 19992019, creating “a visual path to follow that makes a sort of figure 8, so the numbers have a flow to them in order and not just shape.” De La Cruz chose French Black Licorice paper with two layers of screen print to increase the opacity of the final print.
De La Cruz explains the design process:
“SAS called me one day with a crazy idea for a print that would highlight the years 1999 and 2019 that didn’t make the anniversary obvious. It was funny because it took me a few hours just to decipher the chicken scratch he jotted down on a post-it note. Being a fan of my numeric series he urged me to use it, and I was excited by the idea. We decided to keep it black and white (a nod at the first collaborative project we did together) and that was it. From there is was all about being balanced and clean; something we both appreciate, being extremely Virgo-esque.”
The 20th anniversary print will be available to purchase on Arkitip’s website starting September 1. Released in an edition of 100, the prints will be signed and numbered by Aaron De La Cruz.
Elsewhere in art, Absolut Art will release signed art prints by artists participating in The Hole’s upcoming “Meet Me In The Bathroom: The Art Show” exhibition.