Ghostemane Shares Hell-Fueled Stop Motion Visual for "Bonesaw"
The latest from the rap-metal artist.
Deviant rap-metal artist Ghostemane has returned with a hell-fueled visual for “Bonesaw,” a highlight off his cultish 2018 record N/O/I/S/E. After just releasing his equally blood-curdling visual for “Gatteka,” the new visual highlights the track’s visceral buzzsaw synths and his screamo-tinted guttural delivery.
Directed by Nick Cinelli, the stop motion visual was “inspired by the Lithuanian festival Ta Terjast, in which people wear masks and ‘chase away’ winter,” as shared by The Fader. Ghostemane and Cinelli exasperate this motif by transfixing it within a hellish, post-apocalyptic world premised on survival.
You can watch the visual for “Bonesaw” above. Ghostemane will embark on his sprawling “HIADICA” Europe tour early next year – full dates can be found here.
For more music news, MIKE recently shared a new footwork-infused single.