Meet Kamau Haroon, the Artist Behind J. Cole's 'K.O.D.' Cover Art
“It was definitely a collaboration, a marriage of art and music.”

On Monday night in New York City, rapper J. Cole threw a somewhat surprise concert for fans at the Gramercy Theatre. Having only announced it earlier on in the day via his social media accounts, Cole told fans to drop by the venue along with a set of rules: no phones, cameras, bags, press list or guest list, suggesting something big was going to be revealed.
Turns out Cole previewed his forthcoming album titled K.O.D., which according to Sony Music Entertainment’s Brian “B.Dot” Miller, could potentially stand for: Kidz on Drugz, King Overdose, or Kill Our Demonz.
Slated to drop this Friday, April 20, Cole also recently shared the K.O.D. tracklist and cover art designed by artist Kamau Haroon. Shortly after the cover was unveiled, Vibe sat down with the 22-year-old Detroit artist Haroon a.k.a. Sixmau to discuss the inspiration behind K.O.D.‘s cover art, his signature moves, and what it’s like working with Cole.
Head over to Vibe to read the full interview and peep an excerpt below:
How did you get the call from J. Cole? How did he discover your work?
Cole discovered my work through Childish Major, who is another rapper I was doing art for.
What was Cole’s vision, and was he collaborative with that vision?
I can’t talk much about his vision. You’re going to have to listen to the album. It all ties in together. It was definitely a collaboration, a marriage of art and music. He told me what direction he was going in and then he gave me the freedom to portray it how I wanted.
Me n cole was watching the all star game together in the studio when I drew that stuff.
— kamau (@sixmau) 2018年4月18日
KOD 4/20 Cover and back
— J. Cole (@JColeNC) 2018年4月18日