Looks Like Drake Is Opening up Another Restaurant in Toronto
Expanding his empire.

Drake, the unofficial face of Toronto, looks to be expanding his empire across the city as a slew of OVO‘s ubiquitous owls have started popping up at Yonge and Wellington, the city’s financial district. The space, which used to house the Houston Bar and Grill, will now host Aubrey Graham’s latest project, which looks to be called “Pick6.” Though it’s still unsure whether or not it will be a restaurant or sports bar, “pick six” is most widely known as football jargon, so the latter could be more probable. So far no other information has been released, but keep it locked here for more details when they surface.
Drake’s latest venture comes hot off the heals of the opening of October’s Very Own Flagship store in one of the city’s busiest malls, Yorkdale Shopping Centre. Drake also recently wrapped up his eighth annual OVO Fest at Budweiser Stage, where he kicked off the show perched atop a massive CN Tower replica.