148,777 Dominos Utilized For 'Super Mario Odyssey' Art and Characters
Youtuber TheDominoKing lives up to his name.
Nintendo‘s Super Mario Odyssey has proved popular with critics and gamers alike since releasing on the Switch on October 27. To commemorate the lovable plumber’s latest adventure, Youtuber TheDominoKing has recreated several characters and images from the game with thousands of dominos.
Claiming to have utilized 148,777 dominos, TheDominoKing has crafted intricate set pieces that, when knocked over, spell out words and reveal characters from Nintendo’s latest. Mario, his pal Cappy and various transformations are all uncovered by toppling dominos, with several expansive pieces exposed by complex reverse lines. Although the video makes it all look like one seamless set, TheDominoKing acknowledges that the video “is a screen link, which means that each clip is created on it’s own, then edited together to make it look like one long setup.” Either way, the accomplishment is hugely impressive.
Check out the video above. If you still don’t have a Switch yet, don’t lose hope — Nintendo has revealed plans to ship several million units next year.