Skechers Surpasses adidas to Become the Second-Largest Athletic Footwear Brand in America
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It’s official: Skechers has overtaken adidas in American market share. As reported by Business Insider, Skechers’ 2015 second-quarter net sales experienced an increase of 36.4% – “an almost unheard-of number in retail.” Although Nike still has the majority share (62% of the market), it is surprising to see that Skechers has become a dominant player in the athletic footwear market, especially since the brand has historically been considered an underdog of athletic apparel. The American footwear company very likely has its marketing strategy to thank. Skechers strongly advertises towards families and children, and recently tapped family-friendly stars, Demi Lovato and Meghan Trainor, for its marketing campaigns. We have yet to see if Skechers will stay on top but for now, it have definitely become a player to watch.