Coldplay Shares Results of Sustainability Initiatives From "Music Of The Spheres" World Tour
Including the planting of 5 million trees.

Coldplay has shared a report of its ongoing sustainability initiatives for its “Music Of The Spheres” world tour, which has been assessed and validated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Environmental Solutions Initiative Professor John E. Fernandez.
So far, their sustainability initiatives have resulted in a 47% reduction in direct CO2e emissions compared to their previous 2016-2017 tour on a show-by-show basis, 5 million trees planted that will be supported to maturity via One Tree Planted, 5,000 hectares of land restored across 17 countries and 21 planting projects, a solar-powered River Interceptor deployed in the Klang River, Malaysia via The Ocean Cleanup, the removal of 158 tonnes of waste and 13 tonnes of ocean-bound plastic and an 86% average return rate of the reusable, plant-based LED wristbands.
In addition, the band has generated an average power of 15kWh per show via in-venue solar installations, kinetic dance floors and power bikes, diverted 66% of all tour waste from landfills, donated 3,770 meals and 73 kg of toiletries from tour catering to the unhoused and unsheltered and, finally, financial support for environmental organisations such as ClientEarth,The Ocean Cleanup, Climeworks, Sea Shepherd, Project Seagrass, Sustainable Food Trust, Cleaner Seas Group, Food Forest Project, Knowledge Pele, Conservation Collective and more.
“We fully endorse this effort as critically important, scientifically rigorous and of the highest quality,” Professor Fernandez said.
Coldplay shared in a statement:
“When we first announced the Music Of The Spheres Tour, we hoped to make it as environmentally beneficial as possible and reduce our direct carbon emissions (from show production, freight, band and crew travel) by 50%. We’d like to share how it’s been going; some things work and some things need improving.
The emissions data from the first 12 months of the tour has now been collated, assessed and independently validated by Prof. John E. Fernandez of the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative.
On a show-by-show comparison, the Music Of The Spheres Tour has so far produced 47% less CO2e emissions than our last stadium tour (2016-17).
This is a good start – and something that our incredible crew should be very proud of – but clearly there’s still room for improvement.
Now that we’re into the second year of the tour, we’ve started to run the entire show (audio, lights, lasers etc) from an electric battery system that allows us to use 100% renewable energy as efficiently as possible. We have been using electric vehicles and alternative fuels wherever we can, as well as reducing waste and plastic usage to a minimum.
Thankyou to all the brilliant people and creative minds who’ve helped us so far.
Thankyou too, SO MUCH, to everyone who’s come to a show and made all of this possible. You have helped charge the show batteries on the power bikes and kinetic dance floors; travelled to shows by foot, bicycle or public transport; used the recycling bins; ride-shared; brought refillable water bottles; returned the LED wristbands after the show. And just by coming you have had a tree planted, and helped a range of environmental organisations like The Ocean Cleanup and ClientEarth (a team of lawyers who defend the environment).
Thankyou all and hopefully this time next year we will have made big improvements. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to send them via this link.
With love
Elsewhere in music, Lil Uzi Vert shared that The Pink Tape is dropping this month.