Marvel Studios Screened First 20 Minutes of 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' at CinemaCon 2022
Find out what was revealed. *WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD*

With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness just a week away, Marvel Studios recently screened the opening 20 minutes of the film at CinemaCon 2022, setting the stage with explosive action scenes. Below, we touch on what has been revealed in the showing. Fair warning, there are many spoilers ahead.
The film begins in the middle of action, with the ponytailed Doctor Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, and America Chavez, a bullet-proof, flame retardant superhuman played by Xochitl Gomez, running from magical beasts in a purple otherworldly environment. Strange warns America that the beasts are out to steal her powers. As they attempt to escape, jumping over floating debris, the demon catches up to them and stabs Strange. To save himself, he begins sucking power away from America to mend the wound. He’s stabbed once again, this time fatally, and as his last act, he frees America from the monster’s grasp. As the lights go out, Strange wakes up in his bed in New York, realizing it was all a dream.
The following scenes show Strange attending the wedding of his past lover, Christine Palmer, where Dr. Nicodemus West is in attendance. West notes that despite being the best hero and surgeon, Strange didn’t get the girl in the end. Celebrations are interrupted by loud explosions, as Strange jumps into action with Wong to fight a massive interdimensional Octopus, Gargantos as seen in the trailers. Following the battle sequence, America shows Strange the body of the other Doctor Strange, and he realizes it wasn’t a dream after all.
The last scene sees Strange visiting Wanda Maximoff on her secluded farm, as he asks her to come with him back to Kamar-Taj. “I could use an Avenger,” says Strange.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness arrives in theaters on May 6.
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