'Fornite' Chapter 3, Season 2 Removes Famous Building Gameplay Feature
Replacing it with an “Overshield.”

With Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2 officially underway, Epic Games revealed that it is removing one of its most famous gameplay features: building.
In a new blog post, Epic Games confirmed that the building aspect will temporarily be replaced with an Overshield in addition to a player’s Shield and Health. “Building has been wiped out,” the developers wrote. “To help maintain cover, you now have an Overshield on top of your Shield and Health. The Overshield is your first line of defense: before your Shield and Health take a hit, it’s your Overshield that’ll crack. Your Overshield will still recover if it goes all the way down to 0.”
In addition, players will be able to run faster with the game’s new default movement speed, however the sprint meter is limited. They will also be able to jump or land in areas that are a little too high or far with the new mantling feature, as well as bash open doors with their shoulder when they sprint towards it.
In related news, Epic Games will donate its Fortnite proceeds to humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.