Indonesia Names Its New Capital City to Replace Sinking Jakarta
The move to Nusantara will cost roughly $32 billion USD and complete in 2045.

Indonesia has officially named its new capital city — Nusantara.
This year marks the first steps in moving the capital to the Kalimantan area — east of Borneo island — after increased worry due to sinking land. The heavily populated city of Jakarta is home to 10 million people (30 million if you include the greater metropolitan area) and has been facing the growing issue with the overuse of groundwater by home drilling due to large-scale city developments. The problem is worsened when combined with rising sea levels. This shift of development is set to slow down the rate at which Jakarta sinks into the Java Sea.
Suharso Monoarfa, Indonesia’s Minister of National Development Planning, commented on Indonesia Parliament TV with, “The relocation of the capital city to Kalimantan is based on several considerations, regional advantages, and welfare. With the vision of the birth of a new economic center of gravity in the middle of the archipelago.”
This relocation to Nusantara is expected to cost as much as $32 billion USD and take until 2045 to complete.
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