Subway Created a Website Dedicated To Proving Its Tuna Is Real
Calling previous media coverage “misinformation.”

At the beginning of the year, allegations were made against Subway that their tuna subs didn’t actually contain any tuna, and after going back and forth with various media outlets and DNA testing labs over the last few months, the company has now launched a website entirely dedicated to debunking what it calls “misinformation.”
Aptly named, the website includes a whole series of information provided from Subway on its tuna sandwiches, including a look at its supply chain, some quick Q&As regarding everything that has occurred over the past months, weigh-ins from industry experts, as well as a condemning statement from the company highlighting the false conclusions drawn by the DNA tests conducted by the New York Times.
“The New York Times test results only show that the type of DNA test done by the unnamed lab wasn’t a reliable way of determining whether the sample was tuna or not,” the website reads. “If the test had confirmed the existence of a protein other than tuna, questions could have been raised. However, their “non-detect” conclusion really just means that the test was inadequate in determining what the protein was. In other words, it was a problem with the test, not the tuna.”
It goes on to insist that it uses “wild-caught skipjack tuna regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A favorite among sub lovers, our tuna is and has always been high-quality, premium and 100% real.”
You can head over to the website to check it out yourself.
Elsewhere in food, Wendy’s is launching a new ghost pepper ranch sauce for the summer.