Uber Unveils New By-The-Hour Feature for Multistop Trips
An affordable alternative to having a personal driver.
Uber has unveiled a brand new feature that lets riders make multistop trips. It’s called “Uber Hourly,” and like having a personal driver, users can plan around their busy errand-packed days taking as many stops as necessary at just $50 USD per hour.
Reserving through Uber Hourly means the driver will wait nearby at each stop and continue the trip at your own pace. Riders can book drivers for up to seven hours, though the per-hour-rate doesn’t change even at its maximum booking. There are, for obvious reasons, however, some limitations on where you can go. For example, the airport cannot be the final destination of the booking. Also, 40 miles appears to be the rough mileage limit per hour — an overage per-mile fee will be incurred if a person exceeds that limit. The new feature will be launching at 12 cities across the U.S.: Seattle, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Dallas, Miami, Orlando, Houston, Philadelphia, Tampa, Phoenix and Tacoma. Other cities in Australia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East have already begun employing Uber Hourly; the program will be available to more cities around the world in the near future.
Most recently, Uber Jump e-Bikes have been scrapped and destroyed after its deal with Lime.