Anthony Lister Leaves Quirky Notes for Art Handlers in "Modern Masters" Exhibit
While reimagining the works of Old Masters in a new series of paintings and sculptures.

Anthony Lister recently launched a sprawling solo exhibition at Mirus Gallery in Denver, Colorado. Entitled “Modern Masters,” Lister puts his street art spin on a selection of iconic works by Old Masters including Da Vinci’s ‘Mona Lisa’ portrait, Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ painting, and Duchamp’s ‘Fountain’ conceptual sculpture of porcelain urinal. According to a press statement, these interpretive pieces pay homage to the legendary artists who continue to influence his interdisciplinary practice.
“I make artworks about interesting things I like to talk about. I also make artworks about serious social issues I feel need to be talked about. Need for discussion. Art history is fascinating. It is important for me to openly pay my respects to just a few of the masters of whom I admire and have drawn reference to in my own work for years,” said Lister.
One of the more eye-catching aspects of the exhibition is Lister’s handwritten notes on walls, doors, and poles in the exhibition rooms. These penned messages are predominantly directed to art handlers or installation managers, offering a personal dialogue of how to make the exhibition space perfect. Examples include “Remove awkward pole” written on a pole in the main floor space, “name is too large and shiny” beside the exhibition’s wall text, and “Double coat white ASAP” scrawled on a wall in one corner of the gallery.
Check out the installation views above and then visit Mirus Gallery’s website for further details. “Modern Masters” is on view until October 12.
In other dynamic artworks, take a look at ARYZ’s ‘La Pugna’ installation inside a historic French church.
Mirus Gallery
1144 Broadway
Denver, CO 80203