Medicom Toy's Heart Pattern BE@RBRICK Receives Vibrant Watermelon Makeover
Honoring the late guitarist Hide of X Japan.

Medicom Toy has returned with its latest BE@RBRICK. Dubbed “Green Heart,” the new figure reimagines an iconic pattern found on the guitar of the late guitarist Hide, from the legendary Japanese rock band X Japan — instead of the familiar red and yellow pattern, this BE@RBRICK has been rendered in green and red.
This time around, the figure has been given a vibrant watermelon colorway, decorating a rich green base with a series of red prints. Emblazoned from the tip of the ears all the way down to the toes, a bold pattern of red hearts glosses over the figure. Between some of the hearts, the words “love me” have been placed throughout the piece as subtle accents to the two-toned colorscheme — another nuance is a single black heart that appears at the bottom left corner of the belly. This BE@RBRICK comes in the sizes of 100% & 400% and is a follow up to a previously released “Yellow Heart” BE@RBRICK.
Medicom Toy’s “Green Heart” BE@RBRICK is currently available at CJ Mart’s website for $126 USD.
Elsewhere, Medicom Toy has unveiled a retro-inspired Blue Impulse BE@RBRICK.