Kodak Black to Serve Nearly 4 Years in Prison for Weapons Charges
The Florida superstar faces the consequences of his latest legal issues.

As multiple outlets have noted, Kodak Black has been handed a 46-month — three years and 10 months — prison sentence, and will be spending the better of the next four years in a federal institution.
According to U.S. District Court Judge Federico Moreno, Kodak Black lied about his criminal records while attempting to purchase or purchasing six handguns on two different occasions; both incidents reportedly happened at a Hialeah shop known as Lou’s Police and Security Equipment.
“I’m sorry for the actions that led me for where I’m standing. I do take full responsibility for my mishap,” Kodak Black told the courtroom and the judge before receiving his sentence.
“Young people do stupid things,” Federico Moreno told Kodak Black as the rapper and his two lawyers listened for the judge’s decision. “But the problem is that you’ve been doing stupid things since you were 15.”
Prosecutors originally asked the judge to hand down an eight-year sentence, while Kodak Black’s aimed for a three-year sentence.
“This is going to be the longest sentence that he’s going to get in his career, hopefully his life,” Brad Cohen, Kodak’s defense attorney, shares via an official press statement.
For more, revisit Kodak Black’s most recent single, “Zombie.”