Elon Musk Deletes Instagram Account Amidst Azealia Banks Accusations
The situation gets weirder.

With the bizarre situation involving Elon Musk, Grimes and Azealia Banks continuing to unfold, the Tesla head recently deleted his Instagram account. Despite having more than eight million followers attached to the account, it looks as though Musk has taken himself off the social media platform amidst accusations launched by Banks.
The whole situation started a few weeks back when Banks claimed that she was invited to Musk’s home by his girlfriend Grimes and that she heard him “scrounging for investors” despite claiming that Tesla had “funding secured” to go private. After some time the story died down, but at the start of the week Banks tagged Musk on Instagram writing, “you need to contact me. ASAP” followed by “I need my phone back now.” Banks is now claiming that Musk’s attorney paid her attorney to take her phone and delete evidence off of it. Although nothing about this story has been proven, Musk and Grimes recently unfollowed each other on social media prompting rumors that the situation has led to a break up between the two.
Stay tuned for more developments as the situation unfolds.
In other news, Elon Musk recently offerd an in-depth tour of a Tesla factory.
You up?
Latest from Ms. Banks pic.twitter.com/PA92P8h512
— Hope King (@lisahopeking) August 21, 2018