Ubisoft Says 'The Division 2' Is on the Way
Unlocking items in the original will score extra goodies in the upcoming sequel.

The anticipated sequel to Tom Clancy’s The Division may not be too far off, as some Ubisoft developers have revealed it’s well in progress. During a live stream called State of the Game, the developers not only confirm a sequel but say there’s a lot of stories to tell in the game’s setting, therefore there won’t be expansion DLC for the original title.
There will, however, be upcoming updates, which includes more in-game events alongside an enhancement patch for the Xbox One X. In an effort to link the original game with its sequel, completing and unlocking things in the former will reward you with in-game goodies in the latter, whenever it’s released.
The game is being worked on by the team who developed the first game, as well as the same studio, but with an updated game engine. Ubisoft has also stated there are no screenshots, gameplay or teaser trailers for The Division 2 until E3 this year in June. Are you excited? Share your thoughts below. In related news, the PlayStation 5 may offer backward compatibility for PS4 games.