Mini Matt Damon Finds a Big New World in 'Downsizing' Trailer
The shrunken lifestyle comes with perks.
Paramount has released a teaser trailer for its upcoming dramedy Downsizing. Directed by Alexander Payne, the film takes place in a world where Norwegian scientists have solved overpopulation by shrinking people down to five inches tall. Its story focuses on Paul (Matt Damon) and his wife Audrey (Kristen Wigg), a married couple that decides to abandon their stressful lives by turning small and moving to a new downsized community with its own set of rules.
As mini Dave Johnson (Jason Sudeikis) tells Damon’s Paul Safranek: “Downsizing takes the pressure right off. … We live like kings. We’ve got the best houses, the best restaurants — Cheesecake Factory, we’ve got three of ’em!” Downsizing zaps into theaters on December 22 — watch the new trailer above and leave your thoughts below.