Gosha Rubchinskiy Purchases at Any DSM Come with a Free 'Kaliningrad' Book
While supplies last.

Today marks the hotly anticipated second drop date for Gosha Rubchinskiy‘s 2017 fall/winter collection and Dover Street Market has decided to mark the occasion with a special gift. While supplies last, any in-store purchase from any of the DSM locations around the world will come with the Kaliningrad guide book that first made an appearance at his show in the city back in January.
The book features black and white photography from Kirill Gluschenko and is described as a “guidebook and travel zine [that] explores the historical landmarks of Russia’s exclave and backdrop for Gosha Rubchinskiy’s FW17 runway show.” The aim of the book is to “shine a light on the unique historical convergence of German and Soviet architecture.” The Kaliningrad book also marked the beginning of Gosha’s collaboration with INRUSSIA, which also includes APART, a documentary following three of the models from that show.
Gosha was also the subject of a documentary looking at the designer’s influence on Russian youth.