Watch 1,069 Dancing Robots Break the World Record
Cute but also slightly terrifying?
1,069 robots were programmed to perform a synchronized dance routine in a square in China’s Guangzhou area, breaking the Guinness World Record for the feat. WL Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd were in charge of the unusual crew, who are named “Gobi.” The robots are all controlled via one group control system and possess multiple talents — not only having the ability to dance, but also talk and perform tai chi.
The surprisingly complex dance routine helped WL beat the previous dancing robot record, which clocked in at 1,007. The group demonstration was near perfect but some robots did fall over, with those that didn’t make it to the end being struck off the total number and presumably shunned by their automatic peers.
The last robot news covered was slightly more dystopic, with reports of real-life RoboCops patrolling Dubai’s streets.