adidas Announces New Fitness App, ALL DAY
It revolves around “movement, nutrition, mindset & rest.”
adidas has announced a new fitness app known as ALL DAY. “adidas ALL DAY offers daily ideas, techniques and inspiration from leading experts across the four key drivers of athletic performance: movement, nutrition, mindset and rest,” reads an official press release from adidas. “The app experience is based on sports, data and behavior science insights from innovative industry partners to keep you engaged in your fitness journey.” ALL DAY will focus on the four following pillars of health and fitness:
MOVEMENT: Core to our health, strength and well-being
NUTRITION: The fuel we need to thrive
MINDSET: Staying centered and focused on the game plan of the day
REST: Taking the time to recharge our bodies and mind
The adidas ALL DAY app relies on the use of “short-term routines and practices” known as “Discoveries,” which will be delivered to its users on a consistent basis. While ALL DAY is currently unavailable for open, public usage, interested individuals can learn about signing up for the app’s pre-release stage of development here. The adidas ALL DAY app will be available for download sometime this summer.