Iron Man Gets the Samurai Treatment by Tamashii Nations
Tony Stark learns the way of the samurai.

Bandai’s premium label, Tamashii Nations, produces highly detailed figures for many licensed characters, but in recent years they have become known for their Manga Realization series, which has re-imagined the armor of infamous Star Wars characters like Darth Vader, Boba Fett and even various ranks of Stormtroopers. Following the release of the samurai Spider-Man, it seems that comic book characters have become the next focus for Japanese designer, Takayuki Takeya. In the MCU films alone, we have already seen over 40 versions of Iron Man’s armor — however nothing seen on-screen can compare to the newest Tamashii figure. Through the intricate details on the ornamental chestplate, and the steampunk-inspired boosters and wrist gauntlets, it is safe to say that this incarnation of Iron Man could be considered a contender in the hall of fame of Tony Stark’s armory.