Bentley Made a 53 Billion-Pixel Image to Showcase Its New Mulsanne
Legendary attention to detail.
Unless you or your friends have some pretty deep pockets, you’ve probably never gotten a truly up-close and personal look at the details of a Bentley. Thankfully, the British luxury imprint recognizes this and is hooking up the everyman with a detailed look at its Mulsanne Extended Wheelbase — by way of a 53 billion-pixel image. Captured via NASA-developed technology that was originally intended for exploratory panoramic photographs of Mars, the massive gigapixel image stitches together 700 individual shots in all and sees the Mulsanne on the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. And since the image is so big (4,425 times larger than the typical smartphone photo or roughly the size of an entire football field), viewers can zoom in so close — from 700 meters away, no less — that they can see the individual stitches of the headrests’ embroidered “Winged B” logos. Said Bentley’s own Kevin Rose:
Nowhere is Bentley’s famed attention to detail better demonstrated than with our new Mulsanne. We wanted to commission this shot to capture both the exquisite detailing of the Mulsanne and the epic scale of our brand’s ambitions. We believe the result is truly extraordinary.
If you can’t fork over the over $403,000 USD for the vehicle, you can at least take an in-depth look at the Mulsanne Extended Wheelbase at