'Final Fantasy XV' Drives Conan O'Brien & Elijah Wood Absolutely Insane
Wait, there’s a boss you have to spend 72 hours to defeat?
For the latest installment in his Clueless Gamer series, Conan O’Brien sits down with actor Elijah Wood to play the next entry in “the longest running video game series of all time,” Final Fantasy XV. “I’ve been forewarned that this game is a little strange,” starts Conan. Over the course of several minutes, Wood and O’Brien enter the “Middle Earth Entourage” world of Final Fantasy and attempt to wrap their heads around the game’s central themes. Like past Clueless Gamer segments, O’Brien and his guest’s reactions and commentary are even more entertaining than the actual game. “This is surreal … I’ve never been this confused … this is a video game as written by James Joyce,” remarks the CONAN host. “This whole thing is like an epic ‘blue balls’ waste of time.”
You can check out the Final Fantasy XV edition of Clueless Gamer above, and keep up to date with the latest in Conan O’Brien’s TV show here. Final Fantasy XV will see wide release on November 29, 2016.