STYLEPX 2015 Spring/Summer Editorial Featuring Sophia Chang
With a background in art and illustration Sophia Chang may not be the first name that comes to mind

With a background in art and illustration Sophia Chang may not be the first name that comes to mind when thinking about streetwear, but the Queens native has surely taken the predominantly male world by storm. Having recently collaborated with PUMA, STYLEPX caught up with the budding art and fashion icon to learn about her approach to fashion.
Chang’s style reflects her busy schedule. Balancing her time between the gym, work and meeting friends, high fashion and streetwear themes are imbued among comfortable athletic-inspired garbs. ”I’ve always blurred the lines between these fashion trends because I can’t pack three different outfits! My lifestyle reflects the way I dress,” says Chang. Ahead of the trend, the 26-year-old also finds herself seamlessly incorporating men’s pieces into her wardrobe. “Comfort is key” says Chang, whose mood dictates what she will wear. If she’s feeling girly, she’ll sport something more body-conscious, but she’s equally herself in a jersey and basketball shorts. While men’s streetwear brands are only scrambling to start women’s lines now, Chang is still excited to see how things pan out. Believing that there are great elements specific to each gender’s fashion, the blurring of these lines only open up more opportunities for developing one’s own style. “Why not?” Chang asks, ”I set my own rules.”
Donning her signature bun, Chang shows off some of STYLEPX‘s hottest offerings from Damir Doma, Silent by Damir Doma and VFILES. Make sure to head over to STYLEPX for more cutting edge streetwear catered to the ladies.