Frédéric Platéus Remixes Hip-Hop and BMX Culture in KraftPLus+
A new solo exhibition on view at Ruttkowski;68 in Paris.

Frédéric Platéus is a Belgian artist best known for creating large-scale wall artworks that conflate his interests across motorsports, supercars and industrial design. Based in Liège, Platéus typically mixes PVC with traditional painterly techniques, resulting in geometric artworks presented as a puzzle for the viewer to piece back together in their mind.
On view at Ruttkowski;68 in Paris, Platéus is showcasing his fourth solo show with the gallery, entitled KraftPLus+. The exhibition is somewhat of a departure from his modular wall works, in place of a series of sculptures and paintings that incorporate iconography found across corporate logos, pop culture and the auto industry. During his youth, Platéus was heavily inspired by hip-hop, skateboarding and BMX culture, which in the show he translates into pigmented epoxy on stainless steel compositions that mish-mash his early interests and shine with a holographic effect similar to a Pokémon card.
“Integrating these nostalgic elements of past influences into newest technologies and high-tech appearance, KraftPLus+ tells its own narrative of contemporary conditions,” wrote a release by the gallery. The exhibition will be on view in Paris until April 7.
8 Rue Charlot,
75003 Paris, France