WHO DECIDES WAR FW24 Refines Its Core Design Sentiments
Marking a return to Paris Fashion Week.

Last year’s WHO DECIDES WAR SS24 show was nothing short of a frenzy with a host of anxious attendees at the door and several celebrity guests lining the seats. The demand to not just see the collection but be in the atmosphere attests to how big Ev Bravado and Tela D’Amore’s brand has grown since its 2018 founding. With every season the two designers continue to simultaneously build and refine what their brand can be. So for WHO DECIDES WAR’s Fall/Winter 2024 menswear collection, Bravado and D’Amore headed back to Paris Fashion Week on a mission of refined signatures.
As usual with WHO DECIDES WAR, the new offering harbors an edgy attitude showcasing how streetwear can be a blend of styles. We see elements of grunge, tailoring, workwear and avant-garde subtleties. But it is still streetwear at its core and its ability to harbor a multidimensional nature is a continued strength of the two young designers. The SS24 collection saw the brand add new signatures to its signature denim-oriented personality. So this season refined some of those new additions.
“The word to me has several meanings; one of them is the story of David and Goliath, which is a very special story that was taught to me as a child,” Bravado told Vogue Runway. “With us shifting to Paris, we kind of feel like we’re the underdog in the midst of all these giants, but we can still puff up our chest and fight with the greats.”
Take a look at the collection in the lookbook above. Stay tuned to Hypebeast’s coverage of Paris Fashion Week.