OneThird's "Freshness Scanners" Calculate if Fruits are Ripe
Say goodbye to the days of guessing.

Despite fruits being an essential part of the food that provides sustenance to human life for millennia, we still do not have an accessible and certain way to calculate when exactly fruits are ripe. Until now, emerging food waste prevention company, OneThird, introduced “freshness scanners” at CES 2023 that aim to reduce the 40 percent of perishable food brought to market annually. Approximately valued at $1 million USD, the perishable food is commonly discarded before it even has a chance to reach consumers’ kitchens.
While there are already methods to test for optimal sugar content and acidity, OneThird goes another step with measuring freshness and potential shelf life to calculate exactly if fruits are ripe. The scanner technology from OneThird is reported to reduce food waste in the current supply and retail chain by as much as 25 percent, on average.
“The astronomical volume of food that goes to waste each year is heartbreaking, particularly since so much is wasted in affluent countries. We’ve worked hard to create technology that helps to address this persistent, global challenge which directly impacts food scarcity,” said Marco Snikkers, CEO and Founder of OneThird. “We are proud to have built the first product that accurately and objectively predicts the shelf life of fresh produce. The interest has been overwhelming and we aim to accelerate the deployment of our technology globally.”
Currently offering two variants of the system for the produce aisle and growers in the supply chain, OneThird’s devices utilize a cloud-based system with proprietary algorithms to interpret data tracked by a near-infrared laser.
Head over to OneThird’s website to learn more about the technology designed to limit food waste.
For more food and beverage news, Samsung’s Family Hub Plus smart fridge features a 32-inch touch display.