Toei Kyoto Studio Park Releases Commercial For New Evangelion Attraction
Take another look at NERV Kyoto Base.
After a first look, Toei Kyoto Studio Park has returned with a commercial for its new Evangelion attraction. In lead up to its early preview phase and grand opening October 3, the ad showcases the unique attraction for fans of the iconic anime franchise.
Undoubtedly the main attraction is a full-size EVA Unit-01 statue that measures 15 meters tall and sees the torso of the mech rising out of a blood-red LCL pool. With its right arm stretched out and palm up for people to stand on it serves as a unique photo opportunity. Continuing to bring the anime to life, surrounding the statue are caution marked sidings and railings that replicate the look of the NERV headquarters. Additionally, fans can also hop into an entry plug, the cylindrical cockpit device used to pilot EVA Units.
Toei Kyoto Studio Park‘s new Evangelion section is set for a grand opening October 3, but earlier previews will begin taking place August 1 to 16, and on weekends and holidays afterward until September 27.
ついにエヴァンゲリオン京都基地のポスタービジュアルがお披露目です。燃え盛る京の都を背景に嵐の中で起動する初号機と、手のひらで勝利を祈る舞いを踊る舞妓のコントラストが実に太秦らしいと、スタッフ内でも大評判の自慢の一品となりました。ぜひご堪能ください。— エヴァンゲリオン京都基地 (@EVA_kyotobase) July 22, 2020
8/1(土)プレオープンまで待てない、早く生で見たいという方に絶好のビューポイントがございます。映画村パディオス3階から…奥手に建設中の初号機がチラッ、いや、ばーん!とご覧いただけます。足元に注意してお楽しみくださいませ。#エヴァ #映画村 #京都エヴァ— エヴァンゲリオン京都基地 (@EVA_kyotobase) July 15, 2020
In case you missed it, CARNIVAL takes it back to Konoha for its Naruto Shippuden capsule.