Stay Home Snaps: Kosuke Kawamura
The in-demand artist is making time for family and friends, even the plush ones.

Stay Home Snaps: Kosuke Kawamura
The in-demand artist is making time for family and friends, even the plush ones.
Japanese artist Kosuke Kawamura always has a lot on his plate. Between advertorial work, Japanese fashion collaborations (both runway-ready and commercial-friendly) and high-profile anime exhibitions, Kawamura is constantly churning out detailed illustrations and lavish graphic designs — usually from the comfort of his apartment.
As such, Japan’s self-isolation period hasn’t affected his workflow too drastically, though Kawamura is no longer able to go outside for fresh air. Instead, he’s spending a lot of time in his favorite pajamas and hanging out with plushie pals, though he also makes time for his human friends.
What’s your daily routine?
When I get up, I start working. And when I get bored of that, I watch movies. I sleep whenever I want to — that’s basically my routine.
Where in your home do you like to work?
There’s a desk in my living room, so I work there.
What do you wear while working from home?
I wear my pajamas from PHINGERIN.
What are you eating now?
I don’t cook, so I usually get Uber Eats.
How do you stay in a good headspace while in isolation?
I talk to my friends on the phone, organize bookshelves and focus on creating things that I usually don’t finish [for a while], so I have to work here and there during my spare time. Focusing on what I love to do is the best way to stay in a good headspace.
What are you listening to and watching?
I watch the news on the TV and Better Call Saul on Netflix. As for movies, it depends on how I’m feeling that day. I don’t really choose [specific] music. I listen to new records that I [recently] bought but haven’t been listened to yet to [avoid getting] bored.