Emotionally Unavailable Preps Timely "Solitude Collection"
Channels an isolation mindset for special apparel and BE@RBRICKs.

Emotionally Unavailable infrequently serves up limited graphic drops, often abetted by bespoke BE@RBRICKs to round out the concise selection of curated apparel. The label has another selection of wearables and collectibles set to launch during these troubled times, appropriately dubbed the “Solitude Collection,” shot while socially-distancing in a nearly-deserted New York City.
Five new garments are on hand, including heavyweight T-shirts, a hoodie and hat, abetted by a highly-limited BE@RBRICK figure. The items are emblazoned with Emotionally Unavailable verbiage and the label’s signature heart image, a stark red against the neutral white, grey and black goods. Another battery-operated BE@RBRICK is on hand, complete with a transparent body and visible “heart,” with only 350 pieces of the collectible offered in 100% and 400% sizes.
The new clothing and BE@RBRICK figures hit Emotionally Unavailable’s web store April 18.
Meanwhile, Medicom Toy has no shortage of heart-themed BE@RBRICK figures.