Intel Unveils Its First DG1 Discrete GPU
Not for sale.

Intel has just unveiled its first successful discrete graphics card — the Intel DG1. While there is still no mention of this being offered to the public, it does give us a look at the level of performance Intel has been able to achieve in its push for higher graphics.
The DG1 (Discrete Graphics Card 1) is currently being shipped to a number of independent software developers for familiarization and optimization for Intel’s upcoming Xe GPU-based products. In Intel’s CES 2020 press conference, it was also revealed that with the DG1 working alongside the new Tiger Lake CPU microarchitecture, double-digit improvements over its Ice Lake chips are possible. There is currently no info on specs on the DG1, but this news indicates that Intel exploration into efficiency, gaming, mobility and high-performing graphics is not letting up anytime soon.
For more CES news, Razer unveils its first-ever gaming desktop.