Microsoft Announces New Mobile AR Game 'Minecraft: Earth'
It could be the next ‘Pokémon: GO.’
In celebration of its 10-year anniversary, Microsoft has announced a new Minecraft game for mobile called Minecraft: Earth, which will see the world of the franchise in a real-world augmented reality.
The Pokémon Go-esque title will allow multiple players to build structures using classic Minecraft blocks and permanently place them throughout the world using AR technology. Players can also set out and take on various adventures available that take you on quick interaction with mainstay Minecraft enemies and creatures by yourself or with a friend.
You must still gather resources to build, but this time by utilizing “Tappables” found around the map. Then you must build blocks on top of a base “plate” on any flat surface. Although there’s no release date, a beta for Minecraft: Earth is expected to drop this summer on Apple iOS and Android while the final product will, in fact, be free to play.
Recently, Minecraft hit the milestone of 176 million copies sold worldwide, and many expect the number to jump more when Minecraft: Earth becomes available.
In other entertainment news, Robert Pattison from Twilight is Batman.
NEW GAME ALERT! Discover how you can Minecraft your world, thanks to the almost-magical power of augmented reality. Learn more about Minecraft Earth at and follow @MinecraftEarth for news!
— Minecraft (@Minecraft) May 17, 2019