UPDATE: 'Avengers' Character Searches on PornHub Are Up 2912%
Captain Marvel becomes the most searched Avenger.

UPDATE: Men’s Health has teamed up with Pornhub for more insights regarding the latest superhero blockbuster Avengers: Endgame, which comes out April 26 Stateside. As we get nearer and nearer to the release, Pornhub has seen a huge surge in searches for the Avengers characters, reporting a staggering 2912% increase on April 19 as compared to their pre-April 15 average. The stat amounts to an additional two million searches in just over seven days.
Apart from general percentages, Pornhub also looked into the most searched characters within the Avengers team. Since Captain Marvel‘s introduction with her own origin story and her build-up to Endgame, Carol Danvers has become the most popular Avenger on Pornhub, with triple the amount of searches of previous winner Black Widow during the Infinity War frenzy, who now comes in second place, followed closely by Spider-Man in third place.
ORIGINAL STORY (April 16, 2019): The Avengers: Endgame premiere is quickly approaching, and its trailers aren’t the only videos getting hundreds of thousands of views. Recent news has shown that PornHub clips have also seen a spike in activity. Getting together to celebrate the release of the upcoming mega blockbuster, ScreenGeek and Hims put together an infographic revealing the statistical phenomenon of Avengers on the world’s largest porn site.
The most significant stat are the amount of searches for the Avengers after Infinity War — skyrocketing by a whopping 356% after the movie. Perhaps to no surprise, Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow gained massive popularity, with searches for her increasing by 93% after the last Avengers instalment. When it comes to who’s searching what, the infographic shows that 28% of women are more likely than men to search for Avengers porn on the site.
The infographic also listed the most popular heroes searched on PornHub for both male and female characters. Taking first place for the female category is Black Widow, with the mystical Scarlet Witch coming second and Gamora coming in third. For males, Captain America ranks first with his Greek-statuesque physique. Then comes the King of Wakanda, Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther, followed by — perhaps surprisingly — genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist Tony Stark. The God of Thunder only falls in at fourth place, trailing behind the charming Iron Man, while Spiderman comes in at fifth place. The sixth spot is filled up by the Incredible Hulk.
For more Avengers news, check out the newest trailer, which pays tribute to the entire Infinity Saga.