SPOILER: Here's How the Internet Is Reacting to Jordan Peele's 'Us'
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Jordan Peele‘s highly-anticipated Get Out followup Us landed in theatres earlier today. After months of trying to decipher theories on duality and breaking down hidden meanings from trailer clips, fans were finally able to see the project in full.
Just like Get Out before it, the Internet quickly blew up by praising Peele for once again creating a mind-bending masterpiece. The film, which stars Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke from Black Panther and Elizabeth Moss from The Handmaid’s Tale, centers around a family and their doppelgängers. Check out some fan reactions below.
And for more entertainment news, see how much the Game of Thrones cast makes per episode.
WARNING: Spoilers lay ahead.
I have not, I repeat, have not been able to get #USMovie off my mind. So many themes, so many angles, So much to process…
I don’t trust any of the reviews coming out bc its not a film you can process in a few hours. No way. pic.twitter.com/ptjcGw3vEr
— valerie complex (@ValerieComplex) March 9, 2019
I will not for a minute claim any real understanding of what I just watched but it was comfortably a top ten lifetime movie going experience. #USmovie
— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) March 9, 2019
Jordan Peele’s “Us” is a horror masterpiece. We are witnessing the birth of our modern day Hitchcock. 20 years from now we will ask one another what our favorite Peele film is & you will get 10/12 different answers. Incredible performance from Lupita Nyong’o! #UsMovie #UsFirst pic.twitter.com/vvHunYqSxd
— Clayton Davis (@AwardsCircuit) March 9, 2019
#UsMovie is a heck of an experience. Funny enough to make you laugh, scary enough to make you scream, genuinely heartbreaking in moments, anchored by several incredible dual performances, especially Lupita’s. #SXSW
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) March 9, 2019
My review for #UsMovie. Lupita is about to win another Oscar but this time as lead actress. She should actually win 2.
— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) March 9, 2019
#UsMovie just cemented Jordan Peele as the greatest horror mastermind of the decade. A terrifying, funny, smart, thoughtful movie with a phenomenal cast. Between this and Little Monsters we are living in the year of Lupita Nyong’o!
— Rafael Motamayor never left SXSW (@GeekWithAnAfro) March 9, 2019
Went to see #UsMovie. I’m still dazed and confused. And scared. And exhilarated. Modern day Hitchcock. I will see it again. And again. And maybe will never use scissors again. Thanks @JordanPeele
— Sunny Hostin (@sunny) March 9, 2019
Y’all need to hurry up and see this movie so we can talk. I got a headache #UsMovie
— Empier Meetchie (@EmpierMeetchie) March 22, 2019
So we all doing red jumpsuits, scissors , and sandals for Halloween costumes or what ? #UsMovie
— xGAYBREAKFASTx (@xspiritdesirex) March 22, 2019
Me walking past every mirror I see after watching #usmovie pic.twitter.com/CX1esnygzp
— Ms.Jason Todd🔫 (@blaquimoon) March 22, 2019
Just randomly got a little bit emotional about how good Lupita is in this movie. You walk away like “Damn she was GOOD.” The next morning it’s like… “Ok that performance was Phenomenal!” And the day after that you start to realize that there was real magic at work. #USMovie
— Yahya Abdul-Mateen 2 (@yahya) March 21, 2019
Best feeling is watching a movie and having no idea what to expect at any given moment but knowing you can fully trust the hands you’re in. That’s #UsMovie. I don’t say this lightly, it’s a masterpiece. Scary, funny, deeply powerful. Lupita Nyong’o may have just won an Oscar. pic.twitter.com/kUVwhOpzk3
— John Squires (@FreddyInSpace) March 22, 2019
If @Lupita_Nyongo doesn’t get an Oscar nomination for @UsMovie, we are going to really need to re-evaluate the Academy’s ability to judge quality work — particularly in the horror genre.
“Red” is one of the most terrifying cinematic creations I’ve ever seen. pic.twitter.com/a9rECkOgtw
— Jake Hamilton (@JakesTakes) March 22, 2019
There’s so much to unpack in #usmovie that I’m going to be digesting it for the next few days. It’s one of those movies we can’t really talk about without spoiling everything, but it’s an instant classic that we’ll be talking about for years. pic.twitter.com/sj41y6DbWQ
— BBB Miska 🍕 (@bradmiska) March 22, 2019
Holy cow, #UsMovie is quite a ride – terror, suspense and comedy, wrapped in mystery and style. Jordan Peele is exactly what Get Out introduced us to – one of the most exciting filmmakers working today. I’m anxious for a second viewing (and a third Jordan Peele movie). pic.twitter.com/dCgoysm8El
— Dan Murrell (@MurrellDan) March 20, 2019
Dear Mr. @JordanPeele,
How are you gonna make a movie that is scarier and even more tense on the second viewing?
I was shook the first time and now I am shooker. Gonna watch it a third time and will be shookest.
Thank you sir. #UsMovie is a gloriously fucked up mood.
✂️ Dino
— Dino-Ray Ramos (@DinoRay) March 20, 2019
#UsMovie is Jordan Peele’s hugely entertaining follow-up to his hit debut Get Out.
It’s also a creepy, scaring, wholly unnerving critique of America’s habit of burying its unsavory past. https://t.co/YEh4RkVs7Y
— Vox (@voxdotcom) March 20, 2019
“We are Americans” said loud and clear. US. “US” We’re our own worst enemy and won’t stop until the world is unrecognizable. Only to discover we were the reason for our own demise. Jeremiah 11:11 we’ve been warned. #UsMovie
— Kiarra Roberts (@KiarraRoberts) March 22, 2019
Each group of people are pointing fingers at another group & blaming them for the problems in the country but as #UsMovie depicts so vividly..when u point fingers u have three pointing back at u. We, as Americans, are to blame. It’s US. Ourselves to blame. I love Jordan Peele
— . (@xxxaw_) March 22, 2019
my last good brain cell trying to decipher all the symbolism in jordan peele’s new movie #UsMovie pic.twitter.com/nfJRDIfEvs
— Lindsey Jones (@linds_oliv) March 22, 2019
There’s so much to unpack in #usmovie that I’m going to be digesting it for the next few days. It’s one of those movies we can’t really talk about without spoiling everything, but it’s an instant classic that we’ll be talking about for years. pic.twitter.com/sj41y6DbWQ
— BBB Miska 🍕 (@bradmiska) March 22, 2019
me sitting in the theatre after #UsMovie pic.twitter.com/sjPEZse3XO
— JJ (@Its_jaylaj) March 22, 2019
Go see Us. Im tellin u. Well done! The great one does it again @JordanPeele!! MUST see multiple times in theaters #UsMovie total mind fuck arghhhhh
Please go see this movie!
Congrats to the whole cast!
— The Chosen One (@KidCudi) March 22, 2019