Netflix Beats Cable, Broadcast, and YouTube as the Top Service to Watch TV
The streaming service is a juggernaut in entertainment.

According to a survey conducted by Cowen & Co., Netflix has become the most popular way for people to consume television shows; more than broadcast, cable, YouTube, or several other popular subscription services. In the tweets below, the first chart explains the stats for TV watchers while the other displays viewers between the ages of 18 and 34.
The charts show how far ahead Netflix is compared to other services when 2,500 U.S. adults were asked: “Which platforms do you use most often to view video content on TV?” Although it’s not ahead by much, the demographic chart showed Netflix beats YouTube and basic cable with 39.7 percent. This wide margin is due to Netflix’s effort to produce original content, of which the streaming service is slated to produce a 1000 of this year alone.
In related news, Netflix has a request page to add movies and TV shows.
From Cowen’s Consumer Tracking Survey: Which Platforms Do You Use MOST OFTEN to View Video Content on TV? (2/18 – 5/18 Avg., All respondents) $NFLX $GOOGL $AMZN
— COWEN Research (@CowenResearch) July 3, 2018
2/ … And among a younger demographic… Which Platforms Do You Use MOST OFTEN to View Video Content on TV? (2/18 – 5/18 Avg., A18-34 respondents) (Data from Cowen’s monthly Consumer Tracker survey) $NFLX $AMZN $GOOGL
— COWEN Research (@CowenResearch) July 3, 2018